seems to be mentally disturbed and lovesick!
And our DownUnderHairWonder-Boy (Chase) seems to have a small nervous breakdown.
But let me tell you from the beginning what happened yesterday (after I got myself a coffee *hehe*).
Yesterday, Wilson left the hospital a few hours earlier because of a migraine. So Cuddy wanted to tell House and sent him home as well, to take care of Wilson, but she couldn't find him (maybe he was hiding again).
Then Cuddy met Chase and told him that House wouldn't have to do his clinic hours and could go home. But Chase couldn't find him either and so he forgot about it.
Shortly afterwards we all met at the clinic. We meant: Ginger, Dr. Dorian, Dr. Reid, Allison, Chase and I.
We studied the files when Ginger said: "Oh, here's a case with a cheerleader. Probably a pulled muscle in the left thigh."
Dr. Dorian waved at her. "You can give me that file."
"Here", Ginger smiled broadly as she handed it to him. "Did I mention that it's a male cheerleader?"
"Not until now!" Dr. Dorian moaned. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm a doctor. I can handle that. I can handle that, I can handle that, I can handle that", he muttered to himself.
Chase leaned over to me. "Why do you like Ginger? She's mean. Is that a condition for a date with you - to be as mean as possible?"
"Sometimes she's a really nice and kind person", I whispered back.
"Seriously? When?"
I couldn't give him an answer because in that moment Ginger asked: "House is still in hospital, isn't he?"
Chase froze beside me. "Heck! No!"
"I guess", Ginger shrugged. "I saw him sitting in his office just a few minutes before."
Allison looked from Ginger to Chase and back. "What's up?"
"I totally forgot to tell him that Wilson is sick and that he was allowed to go home", Chase sighed.
"Then you should tell him now." Allison told him and patted his shoulder. "Give me your file, I'll take your patient."
Chase nodded and handed her the file. "Thank you", he mumbled before he turned and walk to the elevator.
"Give me your file, I'll take your patient?" I quoted Allison and couldn't avoid a grin. "Did I miss something?"
"I guess, House will be angry with Chase", she defended herself. "So I just wanted to be nice."
"And why are you blushing?" I asked.
"Shut up, Eric! I'm not blushing!" Allison laughed and hit me with the file. I'm in exam room 1 now. See you later."
I decided to start in exam room 2 with Ginger.
On our way she gave me a side glance and asked: "What do you think, Dr. Foreman? Does she like him?"
"Dr. Cameron? Good question", I replied with a slight shrug. "There are some days when I think 'yes' and there are some days when I think 'no'. Why do you ask?"
"I'm just curious. To be honest, I can't imagine that there's someone who likes Dr. Chase."
(And that says a nurse?)
"Why not? He's a good doctor, he's a good colleague and he's even a good roommate."
"He's mean", Ginger grumbled.
I nearly started laughing. "You think so, yeah?"
"I know it. Dr. Chase always treats me like a nurse." At the word 'nurse' she rolled her eyes.
We stopped in front of the treatment room.
"Ginger", I said carefully and looked at the young woman with the long red hair. "You are a nurse."
"I know! But since two weeks I'm also a member of the diagnostic department. Nevertheless, Dr. Chase always does this what-doctors-do-and-what-nurses-do-thing to me!"
"This... what?!"
"This what-doctors-do-and-what-nurses-do-thing", Ginger repeated. Then she took a deep breath and while she continued, she gestured wildly with her hands. "I'm not allowed to open my mouth during a diagnostic meeting 'cause - I'm a nurse and not a doctor! I'm not allowed to do a home visit 'cause - I'm a nurse and not a doctor! The only thing I'm allowed to do is your lab work! That sucks! It's boring!"
Okay, now I understood what she was talking about.
I nodded slowly. "Well, Ginger, please listen to me. I'm absolutely sure that Dr. Chase doesn't forbid you to open your mouth during a diagnostic meeting. But at one point he's right. You're not allowed to do a home visit, but not because you're a nurse, rather because you're not used to them. Home visits sound cool, but don't forget that it takes a lot of time, sometimes even your freetime. You can be looking for a patient's home for hours, and in the end you don't even find anything relevant. Instead you could easily get arrested if you're seen by someone who shouldn't have seen you. And believe me, there are more pleasant ways to spend your evening."
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